Imprint is an offer from Apiando E-Commerce GmbH
The Apiando Group operates with the following legally independent business units.
Apiando E-Commerce GmbH
Managing Director: Marvin Stammel
Zaunheimer Straße 18
56072 Koblenz
VAT ID no.: DE317378161
Register court: Local court Koblenz
Register number: HRB 27290
Apiando Holding GmbH
Managing Director: Marvin Stammel
Zaunheimer Straße 18
56072 Koblenz
Register court: Local court Koblenz
Register number: HRB 28390
Apiando Logistik GmbH
Managing Director: Marvin Stammel
Zaunheimer Straße 18
56072 Koblenz
Register court: Local court Koblenz
Register number: HRB 27274
SW E-Commerce GmbH
Managing Directors: Yannik Weissenfels, Marvin Stammel
Zaunheimer Straße 18
56072 Koblenz
Register court: Local court Koblenz
Register number: HRB 27692
Stammel Vermögensverwaltungs GbR
Managing Directors: Paul Stammel, Marvin Stammel
Zaunheimer Straße 18
56072 Koblenz
Your direct route to Apiando
Apiando Group
Fulfilment centre Koblenz
Zaunheimer Straße 18
56072 Koblenz
Phone: +49 (0) 261 953297-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 261 953297-90
Do you have questions about our services?
You can reach us by phone Monday – Friday from 08:00 – 16:30 GMT+1.
Use of the website
The information on these websites is non-binding and is provided for information purposes only. It is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the applicable statutory provisions. No contractual relationship with regard to the products and services presented can arise on the basis of the information contained on the website.
The information on these websites and the products and services described in this information may be changed or updated by Apiando E-Commerce GmbH at any time without prior notice. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the websites of Apiando E-Commerce GmbH do not contain any guarantees or quality specifications for which Apiando E-Commerce GmbH is liable, either expressly or implicitly, including with regard to the topicality, correctness, completeness and quality of the information.
Apiando E-Commerce GmbH accepts no liability in connection with its websites. Liability for any direct or indirect damages, claims for damages, consequential damages of any kind and on any legal grounds whatsoever arising from your access to or use of the websites, in particular through infection of your computer environment with viruses, is excluded.
The establishment and fulfilment of obligations and the liability of Apiando E-Commerce GmbH for its products and services are exclusively governed by the respective contractual agreements concluded via them, including the General German Freight Forwarders’ Terms and Conditions (ADSp) of Apiando E-Commerce GmbH as amended from time to time.
Trademarks and copyrights, data material
The trademarks and logos displayed on these websites are the property of Apiando E-Commerce GmbH or its subsidiaries. Some websites also contain logos that are subject to the copyright of those who have made them available. None of the information on these websites is to be interpreted as the granting of licences or trademarks. This requires the express written consent of Apiando E-Commerce GmbH or its subsidiaries. Unauthorised use of these trademarks is strictly prohibited. Apiando E-Commerce GmbH will enforce its intellectual property rights worldwide by means of the relevant legal protection.
All texts, images, graphics, sound, video and animation files are subject to copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. They may not be copied for distribution or modified and used on other websites. Some Internet pages also contain images and logos that are subject to the copyright of those who have made them available.
The data material is also protected by copyright. Automated queries or reproduction of the same (in particular by automated reading, so-called “scraping”) is prohibited. In particular, any other use of the data material for the purpose of commercial re-utilisation is also prohibited.
However, Apiando E-Commerce GmbH authorises the reproduction of the content under the heading “Magazine & Career” on a blanket basis.These are in detail: Logo News, Press Service, Picture Archive, Vocational Training, Job Offers/Internships and Prospects. These sections are made available by us to publishers, TV stations and similar media for use in their reporting as well as for job applications and for booking seminars.
The companies of the Apiando Group are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
The European Commission offers an online platform for dispute resolution, which you can find here:
You can find the contact details of the official dispute resolution centres under this link:
Photo credits:
The image material is the property of Apiando E-Commerce GmbH or has been made available to Apiando E-Commerce GmbH by the respective owners for this purpose (presentation on the website ) and is protected by copyright in accordance with Section 3 (1) and (2) of the German Copyright Act.
Company medical and safety support for the Apiando Group by